Saturday, May 21, 2011

Omer Reminder & Meditation: Saturday night, May 21, 2011
Iyar 17, 5771 · May 21, 2011
33rd Day of the Omer

Tonight, Saturday night, May 21, 2011, we count thirty-three days, which is four weeks and five days of the Omer.

For detailed instructions on how to count the Omer, blessing text, omer calendar, and more information, please click here.


A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer
Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement

Day Five of Week 5: Hod of Hod

Examine the humility of humility. Everyone has humility and modesty in their hearts, the question is the measure and manner in which one consciously feels it? Am I afraid to be too humble? Do I mask and protect my modesty with aggressive behavior? Learn to cultivate your humility by interacting with people who are more refined than yourself, evoking in you modesty and humility that motivates you to grow.

Humility must also be examined for its genuineness. Is my humility humble? Or is it yet another expression of arrogance? Do I take too much pride in my humility? Do I flaunt it? Is it self-serving? Is my humility part of a crusade or is it genuine? Do I have expectations due to my humility?

Exercise for the day: Be humble just for its own sake.

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By Simon Jacobson    More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
From A Spiritual Guide to the Omer by Simon Jacobson
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