Thursday, May 12, 2011

Chile new 1000 peso banknote

Chile' s Central Bank on Wednesday launched a new 1,000 peso banknote, the last of five new notes the bank has gradually introduced during the last year, the central bank director said at a press conference. The note marks the change of banknotes in Chile for the first time in 30 years and was made to reflect the modernization the Chilean society has gone through in the last three decades, said Central Bank President Jose de Gregorio.

The obverse of this currency shows the portrait of Ignacio Carrera Pinto this time based on a portrait by Juan Manuel Huidobro in 1982 from the collection of the Military Academy. It also incorporates Copihue heart, Antú national flower and symbol representing the sun Mapuche that fertile land in the same position as the bills of 2,000 and 5,000 pesos.

The reverse shows an image of Torres del Paine National Park, known world biosphere reserve located in the Magallanes region, noted for its spectacular scenery and rock formations that make it a unique tourist destination with great international reputation. For its part, the fauna is represented by the image of a guanaco, ruminant mammal that inhabits the Andes between Peru and Tierra del Fuego.

"This is a new family of bank notes which from the art and design reflects a pattern that identify the Chilean culture and give it a modern image," said de Gregorio.

"It has been of great pride for the bank to be able to realize this change of bank notes," he said, adding that the five new bank notes have been made in accordance with technology that is compatible to security standards required by international financial standards.

A total of 34 million 1000 peso notes on Wednesday entered into circulation while the existing 140 million notes currently in circulation will gradually be withdrawn. The change of bank note has cost the central bank 1.5 million U.S. dollars and a total of 600 million new notes have been printed.

Source: China Daily, Chile Central Bank.

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