Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In an Etsy Treasury!

One of my crocheted items was featured in this "Mad for Mugs" Etsy Treasury!

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had been doing a lot of crocheting and knitting with yarn lately.  I sold a lot of knifty knitted scarves locally at Christmas time and have sold quite a few baby cocoon and hat sets on ebay.  I've really been enjoying it and decided a couple of months ago to open another Etsy shop for these items.  It's mostly baby things which can also be used for photo props.  My sister is a photographer so she kind of got me into making these.  When fall hits, I plan on making more scarves.

It was so hard to come up with a name cause all the good ones are taken already!  I ended up using "the Hip Grandma" cause my granddaughter says I am!

Here is a collage of some of the things that I've made.  Some have sold and some are still in the shop.

So go check it out if you'd like.  I was pretty excited to see the mug cozy in a treasury!

~Today's Quote~

Grandparent:  A thing so simple, even a small child can operate it. 

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