Friday, May 13, 2011

{my favorite foodie blogs}

one of my favorite types of blogs to read is a food blog.

this may stem from my love of cooking and my yearn for something besides hamburger helper, baked chicken and grilled steaks every night of the week.

in my search to expand my menu and satiate my desire for pornographic pictures of food i have found two that i absolutely adore.


kristan from confessions of a cookbook queen not only makes delicious looking sweets but the girl is funny to boot.

she is a mom, a baker and a blogger.

she is honest, heartfelt and witty.

i can honestly say she had me at this post - where she frankly and candidly discusses a blogger code of ethics. every blogger, new or old, would do well to read this post.

i not only want to devour every snack she creates but every word of her posts every day as well. they are always good for a great laugh and get my day started off right. i really encourage you to check out her blog!

connect with kristan:


when it comes to just plain old lust after a meal someone has prepared, jessica from how sweet it is has had me wound around her little finger since the first time i saw her blog.

i have gone so far as to offer to move in as her live-in maid and clean up after her as long as she would prepare meals for me. this girl is a whiz in the kitchen.

toasty parmesan chickpea salad
she has an undying affection for trader joe's, bacon and her husband.

baked parmesan spaghetti
she can take something as simple as spaghetti and meat sauce and vamp it up to drooling-on-my-keyboard-at-work status.

nectarine mint milkshakes

she bases her recipes off of things like specific memories from her childhood, her lack of patience and her favorite scent from bath and body works.

please please go read her blog, make one of her recipes and then come back here and thank me. i know you will.

find jessica here:


so there you have it! there are hundreds of food bloggers that i love but these two stand out for me!

now, pick a recipe, go make it and tell them about it!

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