Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Reupholstered Chairs

I love beautiful, custom furniture.

You know, the kind you could never buy off the showcase floor.

The kind where you hunt forever to find the piece and then spend forever looking for the perfect fabric.

I have had this chair sitting in my bedroom for almost a year. I literally picked it up off the street one night in Fort Worth. And yes- I was able to fit it into the back of an Impala all by myself :)

My husband finally said, "Are you ever going to get that thing covered? It's gross!" So I went fabric shopping. I chose a black and white ticking.

And then  I randomly ended up at Goodwill and I found this chair for $15. I tried, I mean really tried to leave without it. But for such a great price... I took it home. So I went fabric shopping again.

The buttons and stitching cost a bit more when it comes to reupholstery prices, but I think that detail is what gives the chair it's character.  I am having this one done in a light brown velvet.

Finally there was this cushion. It came with the house and now that I am "cozying up" our master bedroom, it seemed like a good idea to re-cover it too.

This cushion will be done in an ivory velvet.

Locally, we have lots of great places to buy fabric in the DFW area. My favorites are "Cutting Corners" and "Best Fabrics" in Dallas. But if you don't have any nearby, there are a lot of great options online too- Ballards, Pottery Barn, Etsy.

And as usual, my favorite fabrics are always the ones that are $30+ a yard fabrics. However my budget/conscience insists that I keep the fabric around $9-15 a yard.

When I go fabric shopping, I am always drawn to large florals. But, since I already did a set of 'wild floral wing backs'--I decided to follow Nate Berkus' advice and go with a neutral. I can always change them up with pillows covered in ikat, chevron, or some crazy pattern. Much easier and cheaper to replace pillows :)

Some talented DIYers have succeeded at recovering upholstered chairs- even wing backs! But I know my limits.

Read about the desk chair here.

Crafty Room Re-do here.
For big upholstery jobs like this I am relying on the professionals! Overall it's not a cheap project, even with a good deal on the chair and the fabric, the labor is several hundred dollars.  But for a custom piece, that I will really, really love- I don't mind saving up for it. My custom chairs and cushion back should be back in about a month.

Do you have a piece that you want recovered? Or have I tempted you to run to Goodwill today to find something with character for a new project?

--Be sure to stop by "The Stories of A to Z"- my ruffled lamp tutorial was featured!! along with lots of other great creative projects. 

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