Thursday, May 12, 2011


Hey Pals,

It's me Katie woofing today.  As usual, my brudder Butchy is sleeping off another seizure episode.  This morning that darn Seizure Monster struck again.  Poor Butchy is still having a seizure almost every day.  The vet wanted to wait until next week to see how Butchy was doing before increasing the dosage of the Potassium Bromide, BUT, Mama called the vet right away this morning and they agreed to double the dosage that Butchy is taking starting this afternoon.  We sure hope this will start working to eliminate some of these seizures.  Mama & Butchy both need to catch up on sleep.

Many thanks again to everyone that has graciously donated money to help us buy Butchy's expensive seizure medications.  We appreciate this so much!  If someone wants to donate but doesn't want to use our PayPal donate button above, and would like to mail a check, you can email us for our address at:  butchyandsnickers AT gmail DOT com.

We did get a few pictures of our yellow magnolia tree in full bloom last weekend.  With the very high temperatures that we got out of the blue ( 96 degrees ), the buds turned brown in about 2 days and fell off.  But luckily we took the pictures before this happened.

Here are some flowers from our pink magnolia tree:

Our wild feral cat still comes nightly for a little bit of food.  Mama started feeding him a tiny bit each night a few winters ago and he still comes around.  One of our neighbors told us that this same cat rummages through his garbage.  He sneaks through the cat door on his garage and gets to the garbage.  The poor guy must be hungry.  We only give him a little bit each night as we don't want him to become too dependent on it.  We want to be sure he keeps his wild instincts going for catching mice and things to eat.

It's a good thing he watches for Mama to put the food out as some other wild visitors have been trying to get his food.  First photo is the orange and white cat:

Here is the sneaky bandit looking for food:

Caught red handed!!!

We also wanted to remind people with small dogs to keep a close watch on them if they let them out into their fenced yards.  A lady that goes to our vet just lost one of her two dogs to a large hawk and the second dog has a large puncture wound on his back.  How horrible.  We feel so badly for her.  So watch your dogs closely.  Hawks and owls can be very sneaky at nabbing little furry things.

Wirey Hugs,
Katie, Butchy, Ruby, Sylvester, Scuby, Hootie & Zeek

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