Saturday, May 14, 2011

Top Kick's Military Museum in Petersburg, WV

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I'll warn you ~ this post has a good many photos!

Day 2 of our field trip began with a stop at the Petersburg Fish Hatchery ~ "Home of the Golden Trout" ~ in Grant County, WV. Unfortunately most of the pictures that were taken here did not turn out so this is all I've got to show you.
After leaving the hatchery we headed up the road to the Top Kick's Military Museum and I have tons of pictures from this place that I could share.
Top Kick's is a one of a kind military museum run by Gereald W. Bland. What began as a hobby and interest due to his own military career (Vietnam Vet) has mushroomed into a unique museum that is located beside his home and is open to the public.
Here you will find everything under the sun that relates to our U.S. Military from WWI clear through IRAQ.
When you approach the building you first spot the mini jeeps that sit upon the rooftop.
Outside the museum as well as inside you will find over 35 military vehicles that have been restored to original or near original condition.
All have a story to tell and Gereald is more than happy to share them with you.
He is especially fond of the Jeep that he rode in during the filming of "Major Payne".

As you browse room to room you will find many antique items.
                                 Candies and Gum
                                  Cigarettes and such
                            War-time Newspapers
                                 Artillery Shells
                  and my favorite ~ old military bicycles.

There is memorabilia in every nook and cranny of this building. Lots to see!
 Click on link for more info ~ Top Kick's Military Museum
If you are ever in the area of Petersburg I can tell you that this is one interesting place to stop. My son wants me to take him back someday so he can see more and I know that the rest of my bunch would love it too!

Spruce Knob and The Sinks of Gandy coming NEXT!

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

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