Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Heads-Up, Minnesotan Shakers

The proposed Minnesota state amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and encode discrimination into the state constitution, about which Representative Steve Simon (DFL Hopkins/St. Louis Park) spoke so eloquently, is likely to come up for a final vote in the state senate today.

OutFront Minnesota notes that the vote cannot be vetoed by the governor, so Minnesotans need to get busy calling their state senators and urging them to vote against this hateful legislation.
Call your senator and tell them to oppose the amendment! All you need to know is your zip code. Just dial this toll-free number:


From this number, our system will automatically connect you with your elected officials. Just press 1 and follow the prompts that will connect you directly to your Minnesota State Representative and Senator — all absolutely toll-free. You can call in more than once to reach both of your legislators.

It is vital that undecided and swing vote senators from the suburbs and Greater Minnesota hear from their constituents in opposition to the amendment. Tell your friends and family who live in these places to contact their senators to vote no on the amendment! Have them call 1.855.508.6473 today!

If you're unable to speak with your senator, be sure to leave a voicemail. Tell them you're their constituent (mention your address) and leave them a brief message urging them to defeat this divisive amendment that will hurt Minnesota families.

The Senate Schedule may change! Stay up to date: We don't control the Senate's schedule, but we can keep you informed. They are scheduled to go into session at 10:30am on Wednesday and the amendment may be voted on right away or later in the day. Check your email and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and for the latest information
You can also sign the petition against the amendment here.

[H/T to Shaker GoldFishy.]

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