Wednesday, May 11, 2011

House Homobigots Force Navy to Reverse Marriage Decision

[Trigger warning for homophobia.]

On Monday, it was reported that Navy chaplains would be allowed to begin performing same-sex marriage ceremonies on bases in states where same-sex marriage is legal. That prompted decent, progressive-minded people everywhere to celebrate, and prompted a collection of assholes in the US Congress to throw a bigot-fit:
House members wrote to Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to object to the Navy's initial ruling, saying the service was violating the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act by appearing to recognize and support same-sex marriages.

..."We find it unconscionable that the United States Navy, a federal entity sworn to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States, believes it is their place alone to train and direct service members to violate federal law," said the lawmakers' letter, which was signed by 63 House members.
Now the Navy has "abruptly reversed its decision that would have allowed chaplains to perform same-sex unions if the Pentagon decides to recognize openly gay military service later this year." Rear Admiral Mark Tidd, chief of Navy chaplains, said his earlier decision has been "suspended until further notice pending additional legal and policy review and interdepartmental coordination."

I just don't even know what to say anymore. Millions and millions of people out of work, hungry, homeless, bankrupt, struggling in this country, and members of Congress are wasting their time writing letters to prevent military members from having access to one of the basic rights that should be guaranteed to every citizen of this nation.

Seems to me, if someone's willing to risk hir life for this country, the least we can offer in return is equality.

Of course, everyone knows I don't enjoy clarity of thought, which is probably why I also don't understand how the fuck anyone can claim to support the troops while treating some of them like second-class citizens in the country they'd give their lives to defend.

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